Characteristics/Personality - He's a little petty and a lot narcissistic. At the same time, he's a person who's been abused by the world after he made his choice to enter into the pact with Nesh. Naril feels like Nesh took advantage of him and took his life away, turning him into what amounts to a slave. And while this is technically accurate, it's really only accurate from a certain point of view. Naril doesn't see his own agency in most situations and certainly doesn't want to take ownership of his part in where he's ended up... except in very quiet moments of introspection. His character arc is going to be a transformation from selfish to empathetic and from victim mentality to understanding his own agency. Goals - Current: Naril is seeking to increase his collection of arcane knowledge... seeking treasure and books and scrolls about magic, plus whatever Nesh has him doing. Existential: To gain enough power that Nesh can no longer just order him around. But first, to gain enough power that Nesh can't just completely disregard anything he does. Eventually, gain enough power that he can crush Nesh in his fist. However, because he's learned that Nesh is brilliant, thinks on many levels at once, and is exceedingly powerful, Naril seeks to collect esoteric/arcane knowledge/stuff to gain power and perhaps eventually learn enough to get Nesh's True Name so that he can end their bargain. And before that, he wants to answer the riddles Nesh has put in front of him about what he truly is and who he truly used to be. Relationship with Patron - Naril sees Nesh as a seemingly fickle creature. Nesh doesn't seem to notice much as Naril plots and schemes ways to gain power to try to get free of him, and often encourages these "minor treacheries" as he calls them because they "show that Naril's striving to achieve more power and wasn't that the crux of the pact? To help him gain and grow in power until he has the power of genies?" Other times Nesh appears frustrated or angry with Naril for any number of reasons or no reason at all. Nesh has also commanded that Naril obfuscate their Genie/Warlock relationship with others. The reason he's given is that in order for Naril to move forward in "gaining the power of genies," Naril must act like, and become, a genie. This may be a true statement, but it may also be just a means of protecting Nesh's interests... because a warlock pact is likely easier to sever than a genie's binding to service through a vessel. It is likely both of those things and more... a subtle torture that makes is so Naril must lie to people who might help him thus ruining any foundation of trust and preventing healthy relationships from growing. Level Plot: At 1st Level (Initial Race/Class Features), Naril realized that without a master to wield the ring, he was largely powerless. Yes he had some magic, but he became quite powerful when some other sentient being possessed and became master of the ring. For a long time, Naril served master after master, some good people whom he didn't hate, some people who were self-centered and vain, some people who were just downright cruel, and some people who showed him definitions of terror that broke him. All of them he obeyed. He eventually gained a master who was not very wise. He showed no forethought or anything resembling wisdom. The man wanted Naril to "Look like a real genie, you know... like a genie," and Naril found himself physically transforming as his master wished and directed over and over again. He ended up as a blue-skinned, young woman with dark eyes and dark hair, dressed like a stereotypical harem girl. His master thought this was hilarious, and Naril's complaints about being stuck like this just amused his master. The man wished that any time he's in his vessel and any time he first comes out of his vessel, this was the form he'd wear... until his master requested another form. When Naril complained to Nesh about it, Nesh thought that the vessel's possessor was a wise and lecherous man of surpassing humor and commanded that Naril be bound by this master's decree until he could find a way out of it on his own. While he has come to see some benefits to this deception, having no true control over his form has proven much more of a nuisance than anything, especially because he currently lives in a world in which blue-skinned people don't tend to exist, making it hard for him to hide when needed. The main thing Naril come to understand about his predicament at this stage upon his path was that the main method of survival and success as a slave was to be as agreeable as possible, knowing that once your enemies think you're docile, you're in a perfect place to strike. At 2nd Level (Invocations - Agonizing Blast and Devil's Sight), Naril gained significant power and learned to come to the defense of his master by projecting powerful bursts of energy. He gained the ability to see in the black of night. At 3rd Level (Subclass - Pact of the Tome), Naril discovered "The Handbook Every Genies Wishes For" hidden in his vessel, apparently a gift from Nesh. It was written in Primordial and detailed large swaths of genie culture, history, and law. Large sections of the book were unintelligible to Naril, but some began to make sense as his genie powers grew. At 4th Level (Feat: Fey Touched (reskinned to "Growing Genie Essence")), Naril grew into greater genie power, now able to teleport out of danger, able to magically read older writing, and understand spoken words of any who could speak. At 5th Level (Invocation - Book of Ancient Secrets) With the continued growth of Naril's power, his handbook has revealed rituals and methods of ritual casting of magic that doesn't drain his own internal energies. Where did I come from? How did I get here? Why am I like this? The short answer to the first two questions, and the truth, is that I don't know for sure. The third question, however, has a simple answer... I thought I could bargain with a genie. How I met Nesh'Ma'Hadir, His Magnificent Effluence, Noble Marid of the Shining Palace of the Great Deeping Under the Waves, is jumbled in my memories, but in all cases, leads to the pact I made with him... "I want the power of the genies. And for that, I'll bind myself to you as a warlock, under your patronage. I'll be a strong and valuable ally." "I would not do such a thing. The cost for me is too high to give you such a thing. But... I will, mortal, set you on the path to such power and give you instruction on how to reach it... if you have the will to follow that path." "I have the will, and I would consent to anything if it means I can be set on such a path." "We may see." "As long as my mind remains my own. And... I want three wishes in addition." "Three wishes. You want all the power of the genie and three wishes besides. Very well, those three wishes will make you an even better warlock and ally for me, as you say, so I agree. You are a hard bargainer and able negotiator. Very well! I shall set you on the path to gaining all the powers of the genie and give you any instruction as may be necessary, you shall provide me with small services as may be necessary from time to time, and you express your full will to do your part of whatever it takes to get you on, and move you along, the path to gaining all the powers of the genie." "And you agree to also give me three wishes." "And I agree to also give you three wishes." "Then we are agreed." "We are agreed. The bargain is struck. The pact is formed. Let us begin..." And with that, Nesh'Ma'Hadir transported us to a place of power. I could feel the magic, like static in a thunderstorm. The Marid lord stood me in a rune-cut circle and stepped back. With the smallest of voices I heard him call out. I didn't understand the words, but their effects were clear. I was being bound up, unable to move. I cannot coherently describe what happened next except to say that Nesh is a powerful magician and well-versed in the Old Magics. He reached inside me and pulled me out. He used the old magics to read my essence because part of our bargain was to leave my mind intact. He used the Old Magics with great skill and power... to weave me a Name. He reworked me. What I was could never have been what I bargained for, so he rewove who I was to become what I am now, a creature with a True Name. I am no longer human... or whatever I was. I am now... something different. I'm still figuring parts of it out, even after so long a time trapped as I am. I don't know how long the process took. It was both instantaneous and took an eternity. The Old Magics work that way. What I remember of the aftermath of our bargain was Nesh's first treachery. I was changed and still reeling, my Name being called for the first time and beginning to feel its effects on me. As my awareness began coming back to me, the genie absentmindedly said, "And now about those wishes, let's dispose of them right now as I am still flush with power in this place, and thinking about them would take up too much of my time..." I was about to tell him that I hadn't considered what wishes I'd be when he raised a sapphire-jeweled ring and spoke words of power... "To help you understand what my kind has endured at the hands of your former kind and to move you along the path... I wish for you to be, like genies of your legends, whose power you wish to possess, at the hands of mortal sorcerors and wizards, bound to this ring, compelled, quite against your will if need be, to dutifully obey the commands given to you by whomever possesses this ring, fulfilling the possessor's wishes and desires to the best of your magical and mundane abilities regardless of, and especially in the case of, any humiliations and inconveniences you might need to endure, unless such wishes or desires run afoul of anything I may need you to do or be, for my needs of you are always preeminent, and if none possesses the ring, trapped you'll be, none the worse, until the ring is found, which it always, eventually, will be, and that your vessel be forever capable of providing for your modest and immodest needs in a manner befitting your own, budding, effluence." I felt the power engulf me, and I knew I was trapped. I felt my essence join with the magic of the ring, and I knew I was bound. I felt my will try to resist, and I knew I was a slave. Yet still I rebelled. "But my mind is my own, my will shall see this through, and I shall achieve the power I seek." "That's the spirit! But I know a thing or two about humans and I know much about augury, and I can already see several places in your future where you could falter on your path... times of sorrow and loss, times of chaos and turmoil, times of contentment and joy. So my next gift to you is the gift of perserverance. I'll make it so that you simply must continue. And while I could simply order you, there are ways in which that would break our pact, and I don't like the idea that you would figure out some of those ways. Plus, it'll be more fun if we let the Universe itself twist in such a way that you find yourself forced to follow the path. I wish that you be completely unable, in all meanings of the word, to give up in your quest to acquire the power of the genie, keeping our pact in place until such time as you've achieved that goal." I felt no magic strike me as Nesh made his pronouncement. There have been times since then that I've felt the effects of this wish, and I will say that it can be exceedingly unpleasant. "Now for last wish and the fulfilment of our pact's preamble. It's true that our agreement has me obligated to not remove or diminish your mind or faculties, and I look forward to any clash of wills you might mount. The challenge to work within our bargain currently amuses me. But just because I may not change your mind nor alter your memories doesn't mean I can't give you more such as a gift... I wish you to have the memories of dozens of lives and lifetimes in addition to your own, all of which lead to a deal with me and lead to you becoming Naril, with no ability to ever tell which set of memories are truly yours, making all of them your own, thus leaving our bargain unmarred by petty human sanity or lack thereof. That should prove fun for both of us, don't you think?" 1) get sucked into the ring and stuck there until some trigger • Naril taken into ring, stuck inside for 1d6 minutes/hours/days (m/h/d) • possessor taken into the ring, stuck inside for 1d6 m/h/d • Naril and possessor taken into ring, stuck inside for 1d6 m/h/d • everyone within 30’ (20 people max) taken into the ring, stuck inside for 1d6 m/h/d • 2) petrification/incapacitation until some trigger • Naril turned into a statue for 1d6 m/h/d • possessor turned into a statue for 1d6 m/h/d • Naril and possessor turned into statues for 1d6 m/h/d • everyone within 30’ turned into statues for 1d6 m/h/d 3) polymorph into a variety of things until some trigger • Naril turned into some creature/object for 1d6 m/h/d • possessor turned into some creature/object for 1d6 m/h/d • Naril and possessor turned into some creatures/objects for 1d6 m/h/d • everyone within 30’ turned into creatures/objects for 1d6 m/h/d • any weapon Naril tries to weild turns to rubber/balsa wood/feathers/etc 1d6 days/months/years 4) mental issues (compulsion/delusion/amnesia/etc) until some trigger • Naril is subject to some compulsion/delusion/amnesia/etc for 1d6 m/h/d • possessor is subject to some compulsion/delusion/amnesia/etc for 1d6 m/h/d • Naril and possessor is subject to some compulsion/delusion/amnesia/etc for 1d6 m/h/d • everyone within 30’ is subject to some compulsion/delusion/amnesia/etc for 1d6 m/h/d 5) teleport/plane-shift to somewhere (often genie related) • Naril is teleported 100m/5km/100km/1000km away • possessor is teleported 100m/5km/100km/1000km away • Naril and possessor are teleported 100m/5km/100km/1000km away • Naril and possessor are Plane Shifted (probably to Nesh's palace/domain) 6) summon something genie related to us • A creature arrives to punish Naril • A creature arrives to punish the possessor • A creature arrives to punish Naril and the possessor • Some creatures arrive to punish Naril and the possessor Rolls ⚄ ⚅ ⚅ ⚀ 17 +3 CHA ⚅ ⚁ ⚃ ⚃ 14 +2 INT ⚃ ⚃ ⚅ ⚀ 14 +2 WIS ⚂ ⚁ ⚁ ⚂ 8 -1 STR ⚅ ⚃ ⚅ ⚀ 16 +3 CON ⚁ ⚄ ⚅ ⚅ 17 +3 DEX ⚃ ⚀ ⚁ ⚀ 7 -2 (dropped) STR 8 DEX 17 +1 Racial CON 16 INT 14 WIS 14 CHA 17 +2 Racial (+1 ASI) Arcana +5 Deception +8 History +5 Insight +5 Investigation +5 Performance +8 Proficiencies Armor: Light armor Weapons: Simple weapons Tools: Musical Instrument (Hand Cymbals) Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma Languages: Common, Primordial (Aquan), Goblin (Dhakaani Common), Giant (Xen’drik Common), Draconic Spells Known (6 @ 5th Level) Armor of Agathas VSM (a cup of water) Hex VSM (the petrified eye of a newt) Toungues VM (a small clay model of a ziggurat) Darkness VM (bat fur and a drop of pitch or piece of coal) Dispel Magic VS Hypnotic Pattern SM (a glowing stick of incense or a crystal vial filled with phosphorescent material) Ritual Spells Detect Magic Identify Comprehend Languages Cantrips Druidcraft VS Eldritch Blast VS Mind Sliver V Message VSM (copper wire) Minor Illusion SM (bit of fleece) Prestidigitation VS Invocations 2 Agonizing Blast 2 Devil's Sight You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet. 5 Book of Ancient Secrets You can now inscribe magical rituals in your Book of Shadows. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the ritual tag from any class's spell list (the two needn't be from the same list). The spells appear in the book and don't count against the number of spells you know. With your Book of Shadows in hand, you can cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can't cast the spells except as rituals, unless you've learned them by some other means. You can also cast a warlock spell you know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag. On your adventures, you can add other ritual spells to your Book of Shadows. When you find such a spell, you can add it to the book if the spell's level is equal to or less than half your warlock level (rounded up) and if you can spare the time to transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it. 7 Sculptor of Flesh You can cast Polymorph once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Aspect of the Moon You no longer need to sleep and can't be forced to sleep by any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, such as reading your Book of Shadows and keeping watch. Far Scribe A new page appears in your Book of Shadows. With your permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your proficiency bonus. You can cast the sending spell, targeting a creature whose name is on the page, without using a spell slot and without using material components. To do so, you must write the message on the page. The target hears the message in their mind, and if the target replies, their message appears on the page, rather than in your mind. The writing disappears after 1 minute. As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page by touching it. Gift of the Depths You can breathe underwater, and you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. You can also cast water breathing without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Grasp of Hadar Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with your eldritch blast, you can move that creature in a straight line 10 feet closer to yourself. Maddening Hex As a bonus action, you cause a psychic disturbance around the target cursed by your hex spell or by a warlock feature of yours, such as Hexblade's Curse and Sign of Ill Omen. When you do so, you deal psychic damage to the cursed target and each creature of your choice within 5 feet of it. The psychic damage equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 damage). To use this invocation, you must be able to see the cursed target, and it must be within 30 feet of you. Repelling Blast When you hit a creature with eldritch blast, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line. Sign of Ill Omen You can cast bestow curse once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Race - Changeling Ability Score: Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity increases by 1 Age: Old enough to know better Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: Medium Speed: 30' Change Appearance: As an Action, you can transform your appearance or revert to your natural form. You can’t duplicate the appearance of a creature you’ve never seen, and you revert to your natural form if you die. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, the sound of your voice, coloration, hair length, sex, and any other distinguishing characteristics. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. You also can’t appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you’re bipedal, you can’t use this trait to become quadrupedal, for instance. Your clothing and other equipment don’t change in appearance, size, or shape to match your new form, requiring you to keep a few extra outfits on hand to make the most compelling disguise possible. Even to the most astute observers, your ruse is usually indiscernible. If you rouse suspicion, or if a wary creature suspects something is amiss, you have advantage on any Charisma (Deception) check you make to avoid detection. Unsettling Visage: When a creature you can see makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to impose Disadvantage on the roll. You must use this feature before knowing whether the attack hits or misses. Using this trait reveals your shapeshifting nature to any creature within 30 feet that can see you. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Divergent Persona: You gain proficiency with one tool of your choice (Zill/Sagat/Finger-Cymbals). Define a unique identity associated with that proficiency; establish the name, race, gender, age, and other details. While you are in the form of this persona, the related proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that proficiency. Changeling Instincts: Thanks to your connection to the elemental realm, you gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Insight*, Intimidation, Performance*, or Persuasion. Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice. (Common, Primordial, Draconic) Background: Sage Proficiencies Skills - Arcana, History Tools - none Languages - Giant, Goblin Feature - Researcher When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign. Traits - I enjoy entertaining and serving others as it sets them at ease Subversion through obsequience is my route to power Ideal - Power - I must become powerful to become free Bond - I need others as allies in order to gain more power Flaw - My first loyalty is to myself. When it comes down to it, I'll abandon anyone Class: Warlock Level: Hit Dice: 1d8 HP: 43 (8+5+5+5+5+15) Proficiencies Armor: Light armor Weapons: Simple weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception*, History, Intimidation, Investigation*, Nature, and Religion Equipment: List of things that are in Naril's vessel: - Cleansing Stone Wondrous item, common A cleansing stone is a sphere 1 foot in diameter, en­graved with mystic sigils. When touching the stone, you can use an action to activate it and remove dirt and grime from your garments and your person. - 3 Finely crafted armoires filled with a variety of clothes/costumes - 2 Large dressers full of a variety of clothes - Fountain and Scrying/Bathing Pool - Fully Equipped Writing Desk - Ornate, swiveling, reading stand for Naril's "Handbook" - Collection of arcane inks for magical scribing (500gp value, 10 spell-level's worth) - Collection of mundane inks for writing (20gp value) - Collection of quills, pens, pencils, and drawing charcoals - 200 Sheets of paper - 50 Sheets of vellum - (in a hidden compartment - DC13) Several bound journals, written in Primordial and code, about Naril's schemes - Exceedingly Comfy, Leather Desk Chair - Bookcase with scrolls and maps and books about Arcana and History, especially about genies and bargains - Bookcase with containers for material components for spells - 100gp worth of arcane herbs - 200gp worth of mystic incense - 3 100gp pearls - - Small Coffer with gems, jewels, and jewelry - Chest with bags of coins - Small Brass Brazier - Long, low table - Small stage/platform area for dancing/performing 1st Level Otherworldly Patron (Nesh'Ma'Hadir, His Magnificent Effluence, Noble Marid of the Shining Palace of the Great Deeping Under the Waves) Pact Magic - Eldritch Blast - Prestidigitation 2nd Level Eldritch Invocations - Agonizing Blast - Devil's Sight 3rd Level Pact Boon (Pact of the Tome) - Druidcraft - Message - Minor Illusion 4th Level Pact Magic - Mind Sliver ASI - Feat (Fey Touched) - +1 CHA - Misty Step 1/Day V - Comprehend Languages 1/Day (R) VSM (a pinch of soot and salt) 5th Level Eldritch Invocation - Book of Ancient Secrets - Detect Magic (R) VS - Identify (R) VSM (100gp Pearl) 6th Level Elemental Gift - Resistance to Cold Damage - 30' Flight (w/Hover) - Duration 10 minutes - Proficiency Bonus/Day (Currently 3) 7th Level Eldritch Invocation - Sculptor of Flesh VSM (a caterpillar cocoon) 8th Level ASI - Feat (Magic Initiate - Sorcerer) - Mold Earth S - Shape Water S - Feather Fall VM (a small feather or a piece of down) 9th Level Eldritch Invocation - (Repelling Blast) 10th Level Pact Magic - 1 Cantrip (maybe Mage Hand) Sanctuary Vessel 1st Level (# Useful, $ I Like) Alarm # Ceremony Find Familiar #$ Guiding Hand # Illusory Script Purify Food and Drink Speak with Animals Tenser's Floating Disk #$ Unseen Servant #$ Wild Cunning # 2nd Level Augury #$ Beast Sense Gentle Repose # Locate Animals or Plants # Magic Mouth # Silence Skywrite # Wristpocket 3rd Level Feign Death Leomund's Tiny Hut #$ Meld Into Stone # Phantom Steed # Water Breathing # Water Walk 4th Level Divination #$ Vault of Amber #$ 5th Level Commune #$ Commune with City # Commune with Nature # Contact Other Plane # Rary's Telepathic Bond # 1st Level Alarm Abjuration 1 Action R 30 feet 8 Hours V, S, M Ceremony Evocation 1 Action R Touch Instantaneous V, S, M Comprehend Languages Divination 1 Action R Self 1 hour V, S, M Detect Magic Divination 1 Action R Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S Find Familiar Conjuration 1 Hour R 10 feet Instantaneous V, S, M Guiding Hand Divination 1 Minute R 5 feet Concentration, up to 8 hours V, S Identify Divination 1 Minute R Touch Instantaneous V, S, M Illusory Script Illusion 1 Minute R Touch 10 days S, M Purify Food and Drink Transmutation 1 Action R 10 feet Instantaneous V, S Speak with Animals Divination 1 Action R Self 10 minutes V, S Tenser's Floating Disk Conjuration 1 Action R 30 feet 1 hour V, S, M Unseen Servant Conjuration 1 Action R 60 feet 1 hour V, S, M Wild Cunning Transmutation 1 Action R 120 feet Instantaneous V, S 2nd Level Augury Divination 1 Minute R Self Instantaneous V, S, M Beast Sense Divination 1 Action R Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour S Gentle Repose Necromancy 1 Action R Touch 10 days V, S, M Locate Animals or Plants Divination 1 Action R Self Instantaneous V, S, M Magic Mouth Illusion 1 Minute R 30 feet Until dispelled V, S, M Silence Illusion 1 Action R 120 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S Skywrite Transmutation 1 Action R Sight Concentration, up to 1 day V, S Wristpocket Conjuration D 1 Action R Self Concentration, up to 1 hour S 3rd Level Feign Death Necromancy 1 Action R Touch 1 hour V, S, M Leomund's Tiny Hut Evocation 1 Minute R Self (10-foot radius hemisphere) 8 hours V, S, M Meld into Stone Transmutation 1 Action R Touch 8 hours V, S Phantom Steed Illusion 1 Action R 30 feet 1 hour V, S Water Breathing Transmutation 1 Action R 30 feet 24 hours V, S, M Water Walk Transmutation 1 Action R 30 feet 1 hour V, S, M 4th Level Divination Divination 1 Action R Self Instantaneous V, S, M Vault of Amber Transmutation HB 1 minute R Touch Until dispelled V, S, M 5th Level Commune Divination 1 Minute R Self 1 minute V, S, M Commune with City Divination 1 Minute R Self Instantaneous V, S Commune with Nature Divination 1 Minute R Self Instantaneous V, S Contact Other Plane Divination 1 Minute R Self 1 minute V Rary's Telepathic Bond Divination 1 Action R 30 feet 1 hour V, S, M Inspiring Leader Earing - emotions and frustrations Eldritch Sight - You can cast detect magic at will, without expending a spell slot or material components. 3 charges, regains 1 charge per dawn Eldritch Spear - When you cast eldritch blast, its range is 300 feet. Eldritch Mind - You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell. Repelling Blast - When you hit a creature with eldritch blast, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line. Lilacs box keeps me from hearing outside The inheritor x2 Longterm madness Name: Aldro Sex: Male Age: 37 Ht: 4'2" Wt: 78lbs Race: Talenta Halfling - Sindrekel Tribe Info: Aldro is part of Uldra's entourage if not in her inner circle. Nominally, he's a priest of the Wild Hunt and has helped Vi/Lilac bring various artifacts back to Uldra's temple/compound/whatever-place-of-power. He's as much an administrator as a courtier, and he sees himself as a power/access broker in Uldra's circle. He's dedicated to Uldra in fanatical fashion and doesn't understand how anyone could fail to see the great importance of the mission Uldra is on. Aldro knows Naril because he has seen the genie working with Vi. My guess (and it's likely I'm wrong here because me being wrong gives you the most freedom) is that Aldro thinks poorly of Naril because he sees her as a servant/slave/summoned-creature. If Aldro doesn't like Vi (because Vi requires payment to help Uldra rather than helping because it's the right thing to do), then those feelings likely transferred to Naril as well... so call that emotion "contempt" rather than "dislike" because Aldro has a sense of superiority that comes from feeling he's on the right side of Fate. Name: Te'yim Sex: Female Age: 48 Ht: 3'11" Wt: 82lbs Race: Talenta Halfling (Ghostwise) - Tenoke Tribe Info: Te'yim is a probably a Sorcerer or Druid who is a caretaker/warden of the Talenta Plains who sometimes functions as a guide for people looking for various things in the wilderness she calls home. With her help, less damage is done to the world she loves. She likely knows Naril from encounters she's had with Vi/Lilac... probably needing an escort through the plains/desert or advice on some other Talenta spiritual matter. Te'yim probably sees Naril, rightly, as an elemental spirit, rather than a creature of Eberron. She calls Naril "Mok'bebeige" which means "Blue/Cool water oasis" in the nomadic Halfing tongue. Te'yim has a fondness/reverence for Naril, but likely doesn't understand "genie" in the same way most other people do. 3 Feather Token (personal feather fall) Offical Arcanix Research Badge (Glinnglaist Associate) Naril's Earring Jewel-hilted dagger whose blade has been turned to rubber Component Pouch Sempron Cohort of the Quill signs and the legends of the Eight the were servants of the dragons Sorcerers of great power visited temples and power sites they left behind portals or artifacts the best path and the destination Uldra uncovered scrolls in the desert refering to the eight Metusa Abby Passed - suicide