Malcolm Jefferies

Concept: Scholar/Inquisitor
Tradition: Celestial Chorus
Essence: Questing
Nature: Visionary
Demeanor: Judge


Malcolm Jefferies is a good-looking, European man who appears about 35 years old with blonde hair and piercing brown eyes. He dresses professionally and conservatively, always dressed well for any occasion. Professor Jefferies is an insightful, critical thinker, important for teaching ethics. And he's an amazingly eloquent speaker and lecturer. He excels at teaching and leading students through the expansion of their minds.

There are rumors that he's been to higher-level Seekings, and that coming back from one of those, his voice changed, making it almost hypnotic. They say his singing voice actually carries magick in it.


Strength  Charisma   (Captivating) Perception   (Intuitive)
Dexterity  (Graceful) Manipulation  Intelligence   (Insightful)
Stamina   Appearance   Wits   (Improvisation)
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness Crafts * Academics   (Philosophy)
Athletics (Dancing) Drive * Computer *
Awareness (Resonance) Etiquette  (Flirtation) Cosmology  ●●
Firearms * Enigmas   (Deduction)
Dodge (Sidestep) Meditation * Investigation *
Expression (Inspiration)
Melee * Law *
Intimidation  Performance  (Singing) Linguistics *
Leadership Stealth * Medicine *
Streetwise   Survival * Occult *
Subterfuge Technology * Science *

*Illusory dot from Jack of All Trades Merit

Correspondence Life  (Shapeshifting) (x Touch) Prime ●●●●● (Channeling) (x Song)
Entropy Matter
Forces Mind ●  (x Touch) Time
x = Not Needed Due to Arete



Arete ●●● Willpower ●●
Quintessense 3



Avatar  Node Sanctum ●●●●●



Jack of All Trades Enchanting Voice



Enemy 3 (Society of Leopold) Throwback 1
Dark Secret
Mentor's Resentment


The Story:

Malcolm Jefferies is rumored to have been a Catholic Priest who was defrocked for consorting with the devil or something equally vile.

He is known to be a Master of both Prime and Life magicks, and knowing how long

The Truth:

Malcolm was ordained a Catholic priest in 1990 and became a member of the Jesuit Order in 1992. He truly enjoyed continuing the works of the great Jesuit priests of old, St Ignatius Loyola and St. Peter Canisius. His scholarly efforts and his easy with speaking made him stand out as a teacher.

Because of his insight and wisdom, he was approached by the Society of Leopold. He was put off by their rabid conviction.

The Vancouver Campus has a small, non-denominational chapel where student can come to light a candle or pray or just think.

There is a little room, just off the chapel, that looks a lot like a closet. At the back of the closet is another door that is not in any of the school's building plans. That door opens onto a small landing and a set of spiral stairs that go down, past the basement levels and end at a rock wall. There is a catch, that when released properly, allows the rock wall to spin, revealing an alcove that rotates and allows entry into Malcolm Jefferies' Sanctum.

The circular chamber is massive. The whole room feels as if it might have been carved from a single block of obsidian. The floor is inlaid with flawless, white marble in the quatrafoil symbol of the Celestial Chorus. Around the perimeter, a ledge of sorts winds all the way around. Its height alternates between about two feet and four feet so that it functions as cushioned benchworks and a series of counter spaces. The counter that is opposite the entrance have a basin carved into it that is used to hold the Water Tass that Malcolm collects on occasion from the school's Prime Node. The two counters that sit half-way around the room from the entrance hold columns of flame that light and heat the space. The ceiling is domed, and in the faint light, the black crystal glints with what appears millions of stars in the night sky.

In the center of the room is a meditation spot of earth that sits at the acoustic focal point of the domed ceiling. This is the spot where Malcolm sits to contemplate and truly worship the One. It is on this spot that Malcolm truly lets the magick of his voice call out the echoes of the Name. Occasionally the sound and power of his voice will reach up and can be heard, ghostly in the chapel above.
