Kerielle Timeline 2010 VITAS kills 30% of the people on the planet 2011 UGE begins - Dwarves and Elves begin to be born 12/24/11 Conceived (she was the surprise result of mom's xMas gift to her father) 10/13/12 Born, Sarah Keller, in Dayton, Ohio. Mother, Jeanine, and Father, Daniel. 09/03/16 Her mental/memory aptitude is discovered when she starts preschool 08/17/17 Great Ghost Dance Eruptions of Mount Hood, Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams 05/18/18 Her magical aptitude is discovered (very early bloomer) Summer 2021 Goblinizaiton Starts - Orks and Trolls Late 2022 VITAS II kills 10% of the people on the planet 02/08/29 The Crash - computer systems all over the world destroyed by a virus 06/10/29 Graduates from high school at 16 08/27/29 Starts at MIT&T Majoring in Thaumaturgical Studies, sponsored by Mitsuhama Computer Technologies 10/15/30 UCAS formation planning starts 2033 CAS splits from UCAS, Southern Florida joins Caribbean League 2034 Amazonia establishes its existence 06/07/34 Graduates from MIT&T with Degrees in Applied Thaumaturgy, Sorcery, Conjuring, Engineering, and PoliSci. MCT allows her the extra year to finish the additional degrees. 12/25/34 Tir Na Nog announces May 2035 Tir Tairngire declares its existence 2037 CFS leaves the UCAS 06/04/37 Receives her Masters Degrees in Sorcery, Magical Theory, Engineering, and International Relations. Also got her JD from Harvard Law (International Law) 07/15/37 Begins work as a Magical Researcher for MCT Seattle 02/07/39 Assaulted at MCT during the Night of Rage 06/15/39 Begins her doctoral work at UTT, sponsored by MCT 12/12/39 Is noticed by members of the Oaken Circle 06/08/42 Receives PhDs in Astral Planar Cosmology, Applied Sorcery, and Magical Theory 06/18/42 Returns to research work at MCT Seattle 12/14/44 Forced out of research unit by racist Japanese Security Head, Oriko Hitara 12/20/44 Transfers to MCT Security Division and becomes a combat mage 01/10/45 Undergoes Bioware enhancement procedures without her knowledge/consent. 04/15/45 Recognized by the head of MCT Seattle for dedication and skill 03/21/46 Receives a master-crafted, diamond coated (Dikote), orichalcum infused, "elven" longsword as a gift from her boss, Hitara. It was meant as an insult (ie not a katana). 07/01/46 Finishes enchanting her sword, named Telesthir, into a potent weapon focus. 10/12/49 Extracted from MCT and taken to Tir Tairngire by members of the Oaken Circle 10/13/49 - 03/01/50 Deprogrammed and reeducated 03/20/50 Undergoes Tir Rite of Passage, becoming a Tir Citizen and changing her name to Kerielle (her elven adult name). Joins the Oaken Circle and receives her first Initiation. 05/01/50 Takes part in the Tir Rite of Progression. Her selection of events for the physical testing were X-country running, wrestling, and swimming. Her rank in the bearaucratic testing put her in the 99.999th percentile. Selected for Ducal Rank. She was lobbied to receive Noble rank by members of the Oaken Circle and their patrons because it's easier to remain unnoticed when you're a Lady rather than a Duchess. 05/15/50 Receives the title of Noble of the Tir 07/01/50 Begins serving her mandatory year in Tir Peace Force 09/18/50 Decorated for bravery 10/12/50 Receives her 2nd Grade Initiation. 11/10/50 Decorated for bravery 01/01/51 Becomes a Tir Special Forces "Ghost" 03/03/51 Decorated for bravery 06/13/51 Decorated for bravery 06/30/51 Finishes her mandatory service. Stays in at the request of the Oaken Circle. 09/26/52 Decorated for bravery 06/30/53 With the CFS incursion stalemated due to Hestaby's awakening and seizure of Mt. Shasta, leaves the Tir Peace Force 07/20/53 Acquires Tesrae ke'Zathien Serathilion from the Tir Government. 10/12/53 Receives her 3rd Grade Initiation and is given a quest to retrieve her sword from MCT as an Ordeal for her next Initiation 11/07/53 Arrives in Seattle with no money and no Contacts